Thursday, July 7, 2011

Don't Sit Down in a Pool.

If you are a fan of swimming, don't read this story. Because this is not something you want to be reminded of when you are trying to have fun doing hand-stands and somersaults in a pool.

After I mentioned the super fun time I planned to have in a hotel pool, my mother told me this little gem of a tale: Whilst playing in the shallow end of a swimming pool, a little girl decided to sit directly on top of the pool filter.  After a while, her mother heard her crying (it's always the mother) and it turns out that pool filters work by powerful suction. Suction powerful enough to suck a rectum out of a tiny person. AGH! DO NOT PICTURE THIS. Instead, enjoy this menacing drawing of the offending pool filter.

1 comment:

  1. There is actually a law now instated that they must be properly covered so complete suction cannot be formed. Virginia Graame Baker law requires ALL municipal pools have such filters, and an automatic shutoff if complete suction is formed around a drain.
